
Prayer requests are featured each week from your North American missionaries and SBC chaplains. Subscribe below to PrayerConnect to receive these in your inbox.

Please pray our people would stand firmly in the faith and that provision for them would be granted. Pray there would be a space in which to meet that we will not outgrow. We’re also praying for the right church/school partnership.

I Prayed

Please pray the new believers at our church will hold onto their faith. Most of them are immigrants to the U.S. Pray we will be faithful in raising our kids in Christ. They need Christ in their lives.

I Prayed

Pray for revival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our church and city. Pray for boldness in sharing the gospel. Pray God will provide a permanent home for our family that is in the community.

I Prayed

Pray for the spiritual development and the leadership of our church plant. Pray we will reach the lost and the unreached with the gospel.

I Prayed

Pray for God’s wisdom for the development of leaders because the church is growing faster than we have leaders. Pray God will provide a van so we can transport people to the church. We will soon outgrow the location where we are now, and we will need a new place. We have a large number of children in the church whose parents don’t have enough resources for school. Pray God will provide a larger place and resources to help the parents in our church.

I Prayed

Pray God will bring 75 people to our church by the end of the year. Pray He will raise up leaders among the new believers and that He will send musicians for our worship band.

I Prayed

Please pray God will provide a new meeting place for our gathering on Sundays.

I Prayed

Please pray for God’s grace on our service in the city of Prince Frederick, Md. Pray we will impact the city through teaching biblical truth and preaching deliverance from sin. Continue to pray for our strength in the Lord on this mission He has called us to. Pray for all my brothers and sisters on the planters’ fields.

I Prayed

Please pray we will have opportunities to share God’s Word in the multi-family housing communities and with many families. Pray our men’s discipleship group will continue to grow and that the men will learn by spending regular time in the Bible and in prayer. Pray as we develop, other churches and leaders will partner with us in challenged urban communities. We need a bilingual couple to minister in a Hispanic community. Pray we would have more opportunities to use the “God Loves You” bus in communities. Praise with us that summer 2024 was a great time as God sent many laborers to work with us in ministry. We repaired and refurbished six picnic tables. We use these in a strategic outdoor area. Thirty kids came to a church. There was a great time of contact, relationship and sharing of the gospel. There was a back-to-school fun time and sharing in five churches and communities. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children” (Matthew 19:14, NLT).

I Prayed

We are looking to hire a part-time worship leader at our growing church. Please pray God will send the right person.

I Prayed

Pray the Lord will provide us with an affordable house in the area that meets our needs and feels like home. Pray God will stir up other believers who will join us and become part of our launch team. Pray for boldness to share the gospel and open hearts among the people we speak with in the community. Pray our personal devotion to the Lord will be strong and that we will daily walk with Him.

I Prayed

Please pray for the growth of our brothers and sisters and for us to be equipped to disciple them. Many of those who fellowship with us are babes in the Lord or cannot read. Please continue to pray for the Lord’s provisions. I’m trying not to worry.

I Prayed

Pray for the spiritual and physical development of the church. Pray God will send more workers. Pray for the multiplication of the church.

I Prayed

I am completing the final proofread on a book about our youngest daughter’s three-plus decade of addiction. The publication date will be in October, and it is about her life, as well as ours. It will be “out there” for everyone to see. We believe this book is a divine call from our Lord to help those struggling with addiction and their affected families. Please pray for the publication team, myself, my daughter, and those who will be helped.

I Prayed